Let's build your protoype web app

Showcase your idea to the world and potential investors

About Us

OrphLab consists of a group of tech professionals with full-time corporate jobs, but still passionate about the start-up scene. In our spare time, we Love helping aspiring entrepreneurs bring their ideas to life, staying connected to the energy of the start-up world, and getting our hands dirty with new coding projects. For us, OrphLab is a way to keep contributing to the community while doing what we enjoy most.

We understand both the tech, the user, and the business side of a tech-startup journey. Chances are, you will be getting more from us, than just the prototype you asked for.

How we bring your dream alive

A handfull of common questions potential clients might have regarding the process, services, and outcomes.

01 Why should I build a prototype before developing the full web app?

Building a prototype allows you to validate your ideas, test the user flow, and gather feedback from stakeholders or potential users before investing in full development. It helps when presenting your idea to potential investors or business angels.

02 How long does it take to build a web app prototype?

The timeline for building a prototype varies depending on the complexity of the app. On average, it can take anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks. Simple prototypes might take less time, while more detailed, interactive prototypes may require a longer period

03 What is the cost of developing a web app prototype?

The cost can vary based on the scope and complexity of the project. Basic prototypes may range from $1,500 to $5,000, while more intricate, interactive prototypes could cost around $10,000. Factors such as custom design elements, the number of screens, and interactivity will impact the pricing.

04 What do I need to provide to start the prototype process?

To start, you’ll need to provide a clear idea of your app's goals, any sketches or wireframes you may have, a list of key features, and a target user base. If you have a brand identity or specific design preferences, those details will also help guide the process.

05 How detailed is the prototype?

Our goal is to provide a clear and functional representation of the final product.

The Process

This is whare a process typically looks like


Let's meet and talk. We would love to understand what you are looking to build, and we would love to present ourselves.


This is where we scope the assignment, and agree on what the prototype should look like


We code. We ask questions. We receive feedback. And we code some more.


Source code. The documentation and a step-by-step guide on how to fire the application up, is delivered to you.

Reach out to us

Let's connect. We would love to hear about your project, and see if we can help you get to the next step.